How to Balance Hormones During Menopause (by Renee Norris)

One night I got a wake-up call. I sat up in bed and experienced my first panic attack. My heart pounded, and I felt like I was suffocating. I could not calm myself and did not understand what was happening. Since I could not sleep, I researched panic attacks and methods to calm myself. I … Read more

How to Recognize & Heal from Burnout

This pandemic affected me more than I originally thought it would. With more family members at home, the amount of cooking, dishes, laundry, cleaning, and interruptions amplified. I felt stressed and feared potentially contracting Covid-19 while I was praying for my friend who was fighting it. I was affected emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. Burnout is caused … Read more

Healthy Living Online Course | 7 Steps to Improve Your Health

Are you experiencing a health crisis and need to make a change? Would you like to improve your clarity of mind and lose weight naturally? The course, 7 Steps to Improve Your Health and Optimal Weight, will walk you through the process to regain your health and ideal weight, so you can feel energetic again … Read more

10 Best Audiobooks to Listen to in 2020

The narration of an audiobook can enhance the overall experience of reading. Just like books themselves, when it comes to narrators, some are better than others. My book club has read some of the best books on the market, and I always choose an Audible version of the book, if it is available. I wanted … Read more

10 Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that decreases stress and anxiety. If you are new to yoga and don’t know where to begin, this article will guide you. The three main components of yoga include breathing, stretching, and meditation. To begin your session, you will need loose-fitting clothes and a yoga mat or thick … Read more