How to Exchange Anxiety for Peace

I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety, and I knew I needed to alter my thoughts before they consumed my day. Reports of the recent deaths of children and youth in Israel sent my mind spinning in multiple directions. Safety suddenly seemed elusive as I imagined my own loved ones victimized by rampaging terrorists. Anxiety battered … Read more

Caregivers at Risk: 5 Crucial Choices to Keep You Healthy

“You’re a caregiver? Make sure you take care of yourself too.” As a caregiver for my husband, Tom, who has a young-onset dementia, I’ve often heard those words of wisdom. But since I work full time from home while bearing the extra responsibilities of caregiving, I had one big question: How? Caregiving for someone who … Read more

What Does a Healthy Lifestyle Really Mean?

When we hear our physician speak the words “healthy lifestyle,” our thoughts may turn to the gym, to our refrigerator, or a bulging waistline. What should we give up? What can we keep? How can we change? But what does a healthy lifestyle really mean? Finding nourishing choices and achieving balance in our lives is … Read more

How to Walk and Multitask at the Same Time

How to Walk and Multitask

Have you used excuses to keep you from developing a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise? I did. I couldn’t see how I could add in a daily walk to my busy schedule until I learned how to walk and multitask at the same time. Now I get healthy and mark items off my to-do list … Read more

How Singing Christmas Music Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress

The holiday season evokes many emotions, causing stress and fatigue. Food, family, and fatigue add to the angst. So how do we feel good about the extra cookies, relationship drama, and long hours shopping? According to research, singing can help relieve holiday stress by releasing pleasure endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones have been found to alleviate … Read more