Are Your Foods Causing Cancer?

Some products sitting on the grocery shelf contain ingredients that cause cancer. In 2018, they found the carcinogen glyphosate in many grocery store brands of oat products. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. In the United States (US), most of the nation’s corn, wheat, oat, and soy are Roundup Ready crops. There … Read more

How to Eat a Low-Sugar Diet

Many grocery store items such as yogurt, ketchup, salad dressings, cereals, soups, and drinks contain hidden sources of sugar. Even nut butters may have sugar added to them. Why? Because food manufacturers want us to buy more of their products.   As consumers we need to understand the food industry ploys. Be sure to check … Read more

How to Lose Your Pandemic Pounds

How would you like to lose your pandemic pounds naturally? You can do that through joining my Facebook group, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten. In this group, I have a series of three Facebook live sessions that walk you through the steps needed to lose those extra pounds. Click on the … Read more

Healthy Living Online Course | 7 Steps to Improve Your Health

Are you experiencing a health crisis and need to make a change? Would you like to improve your clarity of mind and lose weight naturally? The course, 7 Steps to Improve Your Health and Optimal Weight, will walk you through the process to regain your health and ideal weight, so you can feel energetic again … Read more