Healthy Eating on Campus: A College Approach to Healthy Eating

healthy eating on campus

Are you or your child in the process of selecting a college or university to attend? Are you looking for that perfect intersection of a degree program, location, and cost? Have you considered campus food plans? Yes, you heard me correctly. Thinking about healthy eating on campus has become increasingly more important when choosing a … Read more

13 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Each morning as I wake up, my body tells me how well I ate the previous day. If I did not experience any blood sugar fluctuations, I have a clear mind and abundant energy. The incredible sensation of how God created our bodies to feel motivates me to eat well every day. I am more … Read more

How to Transition to a Special Diet by Sara Zipf

How to Transition to a Special Diet by Sara Zipf

Around 18 million people in the U.S. have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and they are just one group of many that need to follow a special diet. Additional conditions that often benefit from a special diet include ADD and ADHD, allergies, asthma, candidiasis, colitis, kidney disease, gout, and high cholesterol. Adapting to a new diet requires … Read more

Top Ten Cancer-Fighting Foods (by Ginny Dent Brant)

We are what we eat. We have a choice. We can eat a diet rich in nutrients that prevent cancer and disease, or we can gorge on foods that promote cancer and disease. It may surprise you that the top ten cancer-fighting foods all come from plants—the foods God created for us to eat.   … Read more

Two Steps to Diminish Disease (by Lisa Kafer)

Six out of ten people suffer from one or more chronic diseases in the United States (U.S.). Therefore, we spend more money per person on disease management than any other country in the world. This has led to American’s consuming over 50 percent of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs. Yet, we only have 5 percent of … Read more