How to Transition to a Gluten-Free Kitchen

It takes time, energy, and knowledge to transition to a gluten-free kitchen. If someone in your home has been diagnosed with a gluten-related disorder their gluten-free food mustn’t come into contact with a surface in your kitchen that has a gluten residue. Therefore, it is essential to clean and organize the kitchen. You should remove … Read more

How to Stay Centered and Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a joyous but stressful time of year. Many of us strive to accomplish everything on our “To-Do List” and “Shopping List.” As overachievers, we end up rattled and worn out. However, you can successfully navigate the season to ensure you stay centered and healthy. Here are some guidelines to achieve that goal. … Read more

Are We Addicted to Sugar and Carbs?

Our society faces an epidemic because over half of Americans live with a chronic illness, and a third suffer from obesity. The American health crisis is primarily due to the overconsumption of sugar and processed foods. Unfortunately, sweets and refined carbohydrates are addictive and harmful to the human body. Addiction is a compulsive repetition of … Read more

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips & Recipes

When you eat healthy during the holidays your energy level remains high so you can keep up with a multitude of tasks. The last thing you need is brain fog and lethargy due to a poor diet. This post navigates the tempting delicacies with helpful holiday eating tips and recipes. Use Fresh, Raw Ingredients The … Read more

Healthy Snacks for Kids

HEALTHY SNACKS TO ENTICE YOUR KIDS TO EAT REAL FOOD Healthy Snacks Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS Over half of Americans suffer from chronic diseases. One of the dominant causes is the poor quality of the foods we consume. The average American ingests loads of chemical additives and sugar. Unfortunately, our kids eat food-like substances … Read more