2021 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Produce Lists

The non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) is dedicated to protecting the environment and our health. That is why every spring, the EWG creates the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen produce list. They measure the pesticide residue left on fruit and vegetables after they have been washed and peeled. The 2021 Dirty Dozen list includes the … Read more

6 Tips to Fight Your Sweet Tooth by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

How sweet life would be if Reese’s peanut butter cups offered nutritional value. Currently staring me down is a half-full bag of Reese’s “Thins,” a delightful but deceptive treat that makes you subconsciously think they’re good for you. They’re not. Clearly, I’m no health expert, nutritionist, or disciplined foodie. Rather, I’m the girl next door … Read more