How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Recently, I was reading a scientific book about how to change habits. It takes 63 days to form a new habit, not 21. One practice that is very difficult to change is eating habits. To effectively change a habit, you want to gain knowledge so that you alter your subconscious mind which is your belief … Read more

Healthy Eating After the Holidays

Did you overindulge on holiday foods? I did. Last night while playing Monopoly with my three children I noticed I was quite indecisive and slow. I realized this was due to the large intake of sugar and delicious wheat products I had been eating during the month of December. Generally, I avoid sugar and wheat, … Read more

7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten Facebook Group

I enjoy developing relationships with my readers through a private Facebook group titled 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten. I wrote a book with the same title. Anyone is welcome to join. In a closed group, only group members can see the posts. The focus of this group is how to support … Read more

How to Transition to a Gluten-Free Kitchen

It takes time, energy, and knowledge to transition to a gluten-free kitchen. If someone in your home has been diagnosed with a gluten-related disorder their gluten-free food mustn’t come into contact with a surface in your kitchen that has a gluten residue. Therefore, it is essential to clean and organize the kitchen. You should remove … Read more

How to Stay Centered and Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a joyous but stressful time of year. Many of us strive to accomplish everything on our “To-Do List” and “Shopping List.” As overachievers, we end up rattled and worn out. However, you can successfully navigate the season to ensure you stay centered and healthy. Here are some guidelines to achieve that goal. … Read more