6 Steps to Fun Family Fitness

Family fitness is essential, especially because of the inactivity caused by the digital age. Parents compete with video games and movies, so we need to make family activities fun. Embracing an active lifestyle will go a long way toward your offspring adopting that same positive attitude. Modeling healthy habits creates a culture of wellness. Unfortunately, … Read more

How Yoga Can Help You Recover from Food Addiction

Over half of Americans live with a chronic illness, primarily due to the overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. In our society, the overabundance of delicacies is hard to resist. However, that momentary pleasure is fleeting. It is unhealthy to overeat, and when that becomes a habit, eventually we become addicted to food and can’t … Read more

10 Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that decreases stress and anxiety. If you are new to yoga and don’t know where to begin, this article will guide you. The three main components of yoga include breathing, stretching, and meditation. To begin your session, you will need loose-fitting clothes and a yoga mat or thick … Read more