2020 Clean Fifteen™ and Dirty Dozen™

Every spring the Environmental Working Group (EWG) creates the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen produce list. The EWG is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. These lists are based upon the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s pesticide data. The Clean Fifteen list includes the varieties of produce that contained the … Read more

Fight the Coronavirus with these 10 Immune Boosting Tips

By Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS The respiratory disease Coronavirus has been around a long time, but a new strain (named COVID-19) broke out in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized the Coronavirus as a pandemic. There were over 118,000 cases in 114 … Read more

Seven Steps to Create Your Own Vegetable Garden

Would you like to walk outside and pick fresh lettuce from your backyard? Make this scenario a reality by completing the following seven simple steps. Lettuce is easy to grow in containers as it does not require much space. It grows quickly and contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Spring has arrived, so it’s … Read more

Healthy Alternatives to Sugary Drinks

Recently, I saw this bulletin board “Rethink Your Drink” at a local High School. I was amazed by the amount of sugar contained in so many different types of beverages. Consumers have no idea how much sugar is contained in those sugar-laden beverages. The bulletin board posted an empty container of a drink and the … Read more

How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Recently, I was reading a scientific book about how to change habits. It takes 63 days to form a new habit, not 21. One practice that is very difficult to change is eating habits. To effectively change a habit, you want to gain knowledge so that you alter your subconscious mind which is your belief … Read more