7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten Facebook Group

I enjoy developing relationships with my readers through a private Facebook group titled 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten. I wrote a book with the same title. Anyone is welcome to join. In a closed group, only group members can see the posts. The focus of this group is how to support … Read more

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips & Recipes

When you eat healthy during the holidays your energy level remains high so you can keep up with a multitude of tasks. The last thing you need is brain fog and lethargy due to a poor diet. This post navigates the tempting delicacies with helpful holiday eating tips and recipes. Use Fresh, Raw Ingredients The … Read more

Welcome to Healthy Living Series

Thank you for joining my Healthy Living Series Blog. I am a registered nurse (RN) with a master of health science and a Certified Christian Health and Wellness Coach. I research and study healthy eating lifestyles, so basically I am a health nut. My motto is “Inspiring others to improve their health so they can … Read more