Five Key Immune Boosters to Survive Any Pandemic

When this pandemic began the only advice and hope we were given was to wash hands, isolate and tremble in fear, but many days I wonder how much better we as a nation would have been if these five key immune boosters had been known to all from the beginning. God has gifted each of … Read more

Do You Know These Gluten-Free Secrets for a Healthier Mindset?

Do You Know These Gluten-Free Secrets for a Healthier Mindset?

Do you look for opportunities to improve your mindset as well as the health of your body? Our physical, emotional, and mental well-being are intertwined, so any improvements we make in one area will benefit the other areas. Renewing our minds to develop healthier mindsets is a life-long journey. Learning about gluten and its effects … Read more

Intermittent Fasting Helps You Lose Belly Fat

Scientific studies prove that intermittent fasting (IF) is beneficial for the body and mind. I’ve been practicing it for years. IF occurs when you eat within a specific window of time. I prefer a nine to ten-hour window. I eat dinner between 6 and 7 pm and fast until the next morning around 10 am.   … Read more

What Does a Healthy Lifestyle Really Mean?

When we hear our physician speak the words “healthy lifestyle,” our thoughts may turn to the gym, to our refrigerator, or a bulging waistline. What should we give up? What can we keep? How can we change? But what does a healthy lifestyle really mean? Finding nourishing choices and achieving balance in our lives is … Read more

Eat God’s Food: A Kid’s Guide to Healthy Eating

Pensacola, Florida, June 25, 2021—Nearly 1 in 4 children are overweight or suffer from obesity. Susan U. Neal wants to eradicate this epidemic by educating children about developing wholesome eating habits through her newest release, Eat God’s Food: A Kid’s Guide to Healthy Eating. Susan helped thousands improve their health and weight with her award-winning … Read more