Three Links between Spirituality and Healthy Living

Our spiritual health directly influences our physical well-being. To take advantage of these influences, we need to challenge our minds, build connections with others, and stretch our bodies. These influences are particularly important as we age. Mind and body are interdependent, so these influences should not come as a surprise.

Gardening Starters for Healthy Eating

Growing fruits and vegetables is a simple way to enjoy a healthy diet and lifestyle. You don’t need much time and space. Find a sunny place, even if it’s just on your balcony or deck. This post will give five reasons why growing your own food garden can boost your health. Are you ready to learn some gardening starters for healthy eating, if so here are five tips to help you get started.

Spiritual Health and Fitness

We give a lot of attention to physical health with constant headlines scaring us about cancer-causing agents and obesity among other ills. The “U.S. healthcare industry is massive” with
spending over $4 trillion in 2021 (that’s over 19 percent of all the goods and services produced in
the U.S.) and forecast to be over $6 trillion by 2028. 1 Emotional health is also on a lot minds due
to the alarming jump in irrational, violent, and criminal behavior since the Covid-19 pandemic
with over 90 percent of Americans say we were in a “mental health crisis”. 2 Yet, how many
people do you hear expressing concern over spiritual health?