The Shocking Secret to Lower Anxiety

Mental health issues are at an all-time high. Anxiety, fear, depression, and generalized stress have taken a toll on our culture. Research tells us that even blood pressure levels have increased since the pandemic. Society is more anxious than ever, and our bodies are paying the price. What if the secret to decreasing our anxiety, … Read more

Caregivers at Risk: 5 Crucial Choices to Keep You Healthy

“You’re a caregiver? Make sure you take care of yourself too.” As a caregiver for my husband, Tom, who has a young-onset dementia, I’ve often heard those words of wisdom. But since I work full time from home while bearing the extra responsibilities of caregiving, I had one big question: How? Caregiving for someone who … Read more

Release Childhood Shame and Loneliness to Be Healthy

The terms “inner child” and “inner child work” are becoming more popular every day. According to, “In popular psychology and analytical psychology, the inner child is an individual’s childlike aspect. It includes what a person learned as a child, before puberty. The inner child is often conceived as a semi-independent subpersonality subordinate to the waking conscious mind. The term has therapeutic … Read more

5 Practices to Keep You Spiritually Healthy While Traveling

Are you aware that a systematic routine of Bible study, quiet time, and journaling at home can result in neglecting a spiritually healthy lifestyle on the road? How can this happen? Surely developing a daily habit of reading our Bible increases our spiritual health and the odds of doing the same when we travel. Sadly, … Read more

Five Key Immune Boosters to Survive Any Pandemic

When this pandemic began the only advice and hope we were given was to wash hands, isolate and tremble in fear, but many days I wonder how much better we as a nation would have been if these five key immune boosters had been known to all from the beginning. God has gifted each of … Read more