The Shocking Secret to Lower Anxiety

Mental health issues are at an all-time high. Anxiety, fear, depression, and generalized stress have taken a toll on our culture. Research tells us that even blood pressure levels have increased since the pandemic. Society is more anxious than ever, and our bodies are paying the price. What if the secret to decreasing our anxiety, … Read more

Caregivers at Risk: 5 Crucial Choices to Keep You Healthy

“You’re a caregiver? Make sure you take care of yourself too.” As a caregiver for my husband, Tom, who has a young-onset dementia, I’ve often heard those words of wisdom. But since I work full time from home while bearing the extra responsibilities of caregiving, I had one big question: How? Caregiving for someone who … Read more

Five Keys to Surviving Family Holidays

Five Keys to Surviving Family Holidays

If you are one of the millions who have lost a loved one over the past year, your goal for the next few weeks includes surviving family holidays with your mental health intact. Here are five keys to surviving family holidays that will help you thrive. Grief is magnified during the holiday season as memories … Read more

Simple Strategies to Reduce Negativity and Be Happier

Simple Strategies to Reduce Negativity and Be Happier

How would you like strategies to reduce negativity, improve your mental health, reduce anxiety, minimize stress and just be all around happier? I think we can all agree that anxiety, negativity and overwhelm are at an all-time high. We notice it when we read the paper, scroll on social media, or even when we talk … Read more

Healthy Habits for Today’s Seniors

Healthy habits for today’s seniors begin with a positive attitude toward diet and exercise. Just because we are over fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, or more doesn’t mean we sit in a rocking chair and wait for life to end. There’s too much of life to explore! We seize each moment with sound nutrition and an … Read more