Daily Gratitude Journal Sparks Victory

One easy, daily practice can heal your body, diminish destructive thoughts and emotions, and transform your relationships. What simple habit can you develop to achieve victory through life’s trials? Keeping a daily gratitude journal. Dr. Robert Emmons, the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude, has conducted studies with hundreds of people, often having them keep a … Read more

Eight Strategies to Bust Summertime Blues

It is a myth that the blues only surface during the winter or in extended periods of rain. If you’re like most people, you can experience the blues even in the summertime.  Here are eight strategies to help you bust the summertime blues. 1. Grow something Whether you grow flowers or vegetables, it is very … Read more

Five Ways to Start a Healthy Lifestyle This Summer

Summer can be a great time to focus on boosting your mental health. Warmer weather, longer days, and brighter skies naturally inspire and invigorate us, so why not use the benefits of summer to supercharge a healthy lifestyle? Our mental and emotional wellbeing are intrinsically linked to our physical condition, routines, and daily habits. In … Read more

How To Navigate Menopause with Chinese Medicine

Menopause have you in agony? Find quick relief with proven balance-restoring secrets from the world of menopause with Chinese medicine. “According to Chinese and ancient Ayurvedic Medicine, at age 60, women end their householder life and begin to develop their souls. Our fertility stops being about having children and starts being about what we create … Read more

Caregivers at Risk: 5 Crucial Choices to Keep You Healthy

“You’re a caregiver? Make sure you take care of yourself too.” As a caregiver for my husband, Tom, who has a young-onset dementia, I’ve often heard those words of wisdom. But since I work full time from home while bearing the extra responsibilities of caregiving, I had one big question: How? Caregiving for someone who … Read more