2021 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Produce Lists

The non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) is dedicated to protecting the environment and our health. That is why every spring, the EWG creates the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen produce list. They measure the pesticide residue left on fruit and vegetables after they have been washed and peeled. The 2021 Dirty Dozen list includes the … Read more

6 Cancer and Disease Prevention Tips for Families on a Budget (By Ginny Dent Brant)

Nothing impacts a family more than the sting of cancer or a life-threatening disease. In 1930, the cancer rates were one in thirty. For today’s children, the rates are now one in two for getting cancer in their lifetime. In 2020, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. Research … Read more

How to Establish Healthy Habits

Establishing healthy habits begins in the mind. If we understand what we have done to create an unhealthy mindset, we can rewire our brain with a positive attitude. This goes for thoughts about our self, food, and healthy habits. The beliefs you store in your mind influence your decisions. What do you believe about yourself? … Read more

Meal-Worthy Soups from the Pantry

Are you looking for new recipes to use with pantry-staple foods? If yes, enjoy these simple, easy-to-cook bean soup recipes. I know my pantry is stocked with dried goods due to the Coronavirus crisis. Dried beans are a nutritious staple that has a long shelf life and are high in protein. I have a whole … Read more

Fight Stress Eating with Easy Healthy Snacks

The coronavirus scare has caused many of us to eat more than we should. When the number of active cases in our county jumps, we grab our favorite comfort food. Our reaction to fear can cause us to gain unwanted weight. We can fight our love handles by purchasing healthy snacks and calling upon God … Read more