The Simple, No-Cost Way to Destress and Detox Your Body

There is a lot of talk these days about detoxing our bodies. This makes sense considering how many toxins we are exposed to every day; from the environment and the foods we eat. Stress alone can cause a buildup of toxins in our body, as it affects gut health and inflammation levels. 

What is “Christian” Yoga? | Combining Faith + Yoga

“Christian” yoga is an oxymoron. To some, it seems to contradict one’s Christian faith. Yet there is more to yoga than most realize. The physical, mental, and emotional benefits are fascinating, and it can draw one close to God, and God will draw near to you (James 4:8). I hope this article will enlighten your … Read more

8 Ways Busy Mom’s Can Prioritize Self-Care

Rearing our children is every parent’s most important job. To do that well, we need to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually. On an airplane, passengers are instructed to put the emergency oxygen mask on themselves first because if they become incapacitated, they can’t correctly apply their child’s mask. As a burnt-out … Read more

How Yoga Can Help You Recover from Food Addiction

Over half of Americans live with a chronic illness, primarily due to the overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. In our society, the overabundance of delicacies is hard to resist. However, that momentary pleasure is fleeting. It is unhealthy to overeat, and when that becomes a habit, eventually we become addicted to food and can’t … Read more

10 Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that decreases stress and anxiety. If you are new to yoga and don’t know where to begin, this article will guide you. The three main components of yoga include breathing, stretching, and meditation. To begin your session, you will need loose-fitting clothes and a yoga mat or thick … Read more