How to Keep Yourself from Becoming Overwhelmed

How to Keep Yourself from Becoming Overwhelmed

Are you tired of becoming overwhelmed? What would it take for you to live more often in serenity and less often becoming overwhelmed? It’s a common greeting — “How are you?” You can almost predict the response. “Busy. Keeping busy.” Imagine saying, “Well, rested, and focused.” Overwhelm is a choice. Perhaps more insidious, it distracts … Read more

10 Books to Read That Will Make You Think

Books are one of the most powerful ways to introduce yourself to ideas and develop your mind. Most importantly, books make you think. Here are 10 books to read that will help you cultivate your reasoning skills and supply you with more knowledge. Non-Fiction Books 1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Have you … Read more

Healthy Habits for Today’s Seniors

Healthy habits for today’s seniors begin with a positive attitude toward diet and exercise. Just because we are over fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, or more doesn’t mean we sit in a rocking chair and wait for life to end. There’s too much of life to explore! We seize each moment with sound nutrition and an … Read more

How to Rebound From A Serious Illness

My illness started out like any other intestinal virus, not pleasant but certainly not serious. My symptoms abated around 2 am. Later that morning, I ran a low-grade fever and felt like a wrung-out dishrag, my usual modus operandi after a stomach bug. However, as the day wore on, my fever rose, and the stomach … Read more

Four Keys to Combat the Effects of Stress and Anxiety on the Body

The effects of stress on my body lingered for months. Red, painful hives erupted beneath the top layer of skin on my hands and arms; visible but unreachable. Finally, after enduring weeks of itching and peeling skin, medication alleviated some of the discomfort. Perhaps your child or teen wrestles with anxiety. Or, in our post-pandemic … Read more