10 Books to Read That Will Make You Think

Books are one of the most powerful ways to introduce yourself to ideas and develop your mind. Most importantly, books make you think. Here are 10 books to read that will help you cultivate your reasoning skills and supply you with more knowledge.

Non-Fiction Books

1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Have you ever wondered why people do what they do? Why do they always buy a certain brand of toothpaste or take the same route home from work? This book answers those questions and dives deep into why habits exist and how they are formed. The marketing industry has discovered that understanding habits allows you to get inside people’s heads. In fact, there are scientific ways to predict what people want or even what they will do in the future. This book will teach you about human nature and even about yourself. Get ready to have your mind blown as you get a little peek inside other people’s minds.

2. A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard

Elbert Hubbard, a small-town newspaper publisher, wrote this little book one evening in less than an hour. The next morning, he printed it without a title as a filler for a blank page in the town’s magazine. To his shock, orders started flooding in for his article, and it soon had over 40 million reprints. Since then, A Message to Garcia has sold over a hundred million copies, been translated into every major language, and become the basis for two films. So, who even is Garcia and what’s all the fuss about this little book? Although most people have never heard of this general who served in the Crimean War, the lessons that can be learned from his life are invaluable. You won’t forget this story of an ordinary, but truly outstanding man.

3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Do you want to improve your communication skills and learn how to interact well with others? Do you want people to respect and listen to you? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this book is for you. How to Win Friends and Influence People will teach you the basic principles for interacting well with those around you and becoming a leader. It offers excellent advice on how to treat others with consideration and tips on how to make those around you feel valued and appreciated.

4. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

While many have heard of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who wrote about her experiences during the Holocaust, few have read her story. While this book gives insight into what really happened during WWII, it also presents a powerful perspective on value and humanity. This book shows Anne’s struggle with identity as she is subjected to many unimaginable pressures and hardships. This book will make rethink how you view life and those around you.

5. How the Mighty Fall by Jim Collins

Have you ever wondered what makes people successful? Why do some companies thrive while others, even popular ones, decline? This book dives deep into the essence of what makes or breaks businesses and how to avoid decay. But it also goes beyond just businesses and explores what it takes to be a successful leader in any area of life.

Fiction Books

Stories are one of the most powerful methods of communication. They can make you laugh, cry, or think. Here are a few fictional works that you will want to read again and again.

6. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Love a mystery? This book will keep you on your toes. A worldwide bestseller, it sold over 100 million copies. The adventure begins when eight people receive an unexpected invitation to a small island off the coast of Devon. Although the hosts have not yet arrived, they have left specific instructions for their guests and, oddly enough, an old rhyme. However, disaster strikes as the guests die one by one. But coincidence isn’t enough to explain the deaths, and the guests must face the reality that there is a murderer among them. Unable to get off the island, the remaining guests seek to solve the mystery and as they do, they unravel dark secrets from the past. It’s a race for time. Will they be able to solve the mystery before the last of them is killed? In this story, Agatha Christy masterfully weaves together a suspense-filled plot full of twists and turns. This book will make you question everything you thought you knew.

7. 1984 by George Orwell

Have you ever heard the phrase “Big Brother” or the idea that the government is always watching? We have this book to thank for that. Written in 1949, it predicted what the world would come to in just a few short years. And it isn’t a pretty picture. Bleak, isolated, and cold, George Orwell presents a society that has lost its moral foundations and personalities. People no longer have the freedom to act or think for themselves, and the Thought Police force everyone to conform to a certain standard. While it may seem extreme, 1984 warns readers of the danger of totalitarianism and the threat of complete government control.

8. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is a classic love story with charming characters and an engaging plot. Although some claim that a work written in the 1800s must be outdated, its universal themes appeal to every audience and continue to capture the attention of modern readers. This book shows how people can overcome societal norms and their own preconceptions to find true love and happiness. It will make you rethink how you view those around you. Filled with charm and wit, this book has all the characteristics of a true classic.

9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Written at a time when society’s expectations shaped how people thought and acted, this novel challenged what most considered to be acceptable and revolutionized the core beliefs of that time. Gothic elements are woven throughout it, as well as mystery, suspense, and intrigue. It offers an in-depth look at some challenges faced by people of previous generations so we can make better choices for the future.

10. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Have you ever wondered what the future will look like? If genetic modification and machines replace natural processes, how would society respond? Written by a man with in-depth insight into both culture and human nature, this book shows how life could change in an advanced, technologically driven world…

If you want to discover more exciting books but don’t know where to start, check out some of these other book ideas . . .


About the Author

Ryleigh Wood is an avid reader and a student majoring in Professional Writing. She loves discovering new books and constantly challenging her mind with fresh ideas and perspectives.

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