The Shocking Secret to Lower Anxiety

Mental health issues are at an all-time high. Anxiety, fear, depression, and generalized stress have taken a toll on our culture. Research tells us that even blood pressure levels have increased since the pandemic. Society is more anxious than ever, and our bodies are paying the price. What if the secret to decreasing our anxiety, lowering our blood pressure, and managing our stress lies in a simple practice? Does this sound too good to be true? Read on to learn how to lower anxiety in your life.

Thousands of people are rediscovering the health benefits of an ancient practice that has been shown to improve mental health and overall wellbeing. With this tradition, stress levels diminish, and blood pressure decreases while faith and hope increases. What is this practice? It is praying the Lord’s Prayer. Tucked within this ancient prayer are powerful elements of healing for our souls.

The Lord’s Prayer or the “Our Father”, as it has been called, is simply the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. Most people who have grown up in the church are at the very least familiar. Found in Matthew 6:9-13, the traditional saying of the prayer goes like this:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name,

They kingdom come, they will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread and

Forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us,

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory, forever and ever,



Praying the Lord’s Prayer… Calms and Relaxes.

There have been many reports of how people reciting the Lord’s Prayer during the tragic events of 9/11 brought a sense of calm and peace. A retired US army colonel, who was working in the twin towers when the first plane crashed, wrote of heading into the smokey stairway to help others escape. As he prayed the familiar words of the Lord’s Prayer, the words relaxed him, so he was able to think clearly.[1] As we pray the words of Jesus, there is a calming element of knowing we are praying exactly as Jesus taught us. As a result, the stress levels in our bodies decrease. It’s likely that even our blood pressure calms.

According to one study, prayer has been known to release a relaxation response which, in turn, lowers blood pressure. The same study also revealed that prayer is the most common no-drug pain management practice.[2] In other words, when people are in great pain, they tend to pray. The beautiful thing about the Lord’s Prayer is that if people can’t think of what to pray when they are in pain, they can easily pray the Lord’s Prayer to relax. As they relax, their pain and anxiety will decrease.

Empowers Us to Let Go of Control.

The desire for control is one of the biggest stressors in our lives. Because we want circumstances or people to change, we often try to make that happen. However, this increases our stress and feelings of anxiety. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are reminded that we are releasing control to someone bigger and wiser who has our best interests at heart. Our Father is ultimately the only one who is sovereignly in control. He loves us and invites us to surrender, praying, “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10). As we let go of the tight-fisted need for control, peace floods in.

Gives Voice to Our Needs.

Our Father also invites us to share every concern with Him and to askfor our daily bread (Matthew 6:11). Your daily bread might be a paycheck. Or wisdom concerning your child. Whatever the need, God invites us to bring it to Him. As we trust Him with our concerns, we find that our need to control decreases.

In response to the invitation to ask for your daily bread, you might try journaling your requests. The combination of eye and hand coordination combined with the physical act of writing your prayer requests can be a very beneficial stress reliever. In addition, journaling also acts as a faith builder. When you look back and see how God has answered your requests, your faith and hope is strengthened.

Invites Us to Heal from Father Wounds.

Among the most horrific wounds a person can experience are those from an abusive father. Therefore, father wounds are at the heart of so many of our society’s emotional and physical ailments. However, healing is possible. As we enter into the “Our Father” prayer, we are invited to embrace a clearer view of our heavenly Father. Jesus invited us to pray, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12).

In an interesting article from the Mayo Clinic[3], the authors show research that proves forgiveness leads to:

  • Improved mental health
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • A stronger immune system
  • Improved heart health

As you pray the “Our Father” daily, you are choosing to let go of bitterness and unforgiveness. As a result, you will enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Strengthens Our Sense of Hope.

According to research compiled by Harvard University, “Having an optimistic outlook may help people live longer and may also lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions.”[4]

As you pray the “Our Father” prayer, the words, “Deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen,” builds a sense of hope and expectancy. If ever there was a time in our culture where people needed hope, it’s now. When you pray the powerful benediction of the Lord’s Prayer, your spirit will resound with hope, because Jesus is and will be victorious.

Practical Tips for Praying the Our Father Prayer

Now that we’ve established how beneficial praying the Our Father is for your overall physical, emotional, and spiritual health you might be wondering how to get started. Here are a few suggestions:

Memorize the Lord’s Prayer.

If you grew up in any type of church culture, you likely already have the Lord’s Prayer memorized. If not, there’s no time like the present to get started. Memorizing keeps your brain alive and reduces risk of physical diseases like Alzheimer’s. It also puts the Our Father prayer in your mind, so you don’t have to look it up every time. As a result, the words are instantly available to calm your soul.

Recite the Our Father While You Exercise.

The “Our Father” prayer has such a wonderful natural rhythm that it’s a great prayer to repeat during your workout routine. You can rehearse it while walking, running, biking, or using the elliptical.

Pray the Our Father as You Close Your Day and Fall Asleep.

As you are drifting off to sleep each night, praying the “Our Father” prayer will bring peace and a sense of calm. As a result, you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep knowing that your Father in heaven is watching over all.  

Friend, when Jesus invited us to pray the “Our Father” prayer, He gave us a great gift to calm our anxiety and heal our souls. In these uncertain days, why not start praying the “Our Father” daily?

About the Author – Becky Harling

Authentic. Passionate. Funny. Biblical. All describe Becky Harling. A best-selling author,
Becky is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats and other events. She has been a guest
on Focus on the Family, Moody Radio and many other radio and T.V. shows. She holds a
degree in Biblical Literature and is a Certified Leadership and Communications Coach
with the John Maxwell Team. Her life experience as a Pastor’s wife, Missionary,
Women’s Ministries Director, survivor of breast cancer and childhood sexual abuse, all
bring depth and realism to her message.

Her newest Bible study is, Our Father. Becky loves, hiking with her husband, drinking
strong coffee, hanging out with friends and family and playing with her grandkids!


[1] Kay Campbell, “How the Lord’s prayer Saved a 9/11 survivor, “National Catholic Reporter, September 11, 2012,




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2 thoughts on “The Shocking Secret to Lower Anxiety”

  1. Thank you Susan for sharing the benefits of The Lord’s Prayer! I also just bought your book about carbs and sugar. I recently went on a diet of that vein and I feel like your book will help me.


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