How Going Gluten-Free and Letting Go of What Hinders Can Transform Your Health and Faith

Are you struggling with gluten or wondering how to improve your health and spiritual life? Discover how eliminating gluten can lead to a healthier lifestyle and how Hebrews 12:1 can guide you to let go of what hinders your walk with God.

How to Move Beyond Loneliness for a Healthier, Happier Life

All of us want a healthy lifestyle that leads to increased health and happiness, yet our feelings of loneliness and isolation are preventing us from having the vigorous life we desire. However, the good news is that transformation is possible. With just a bit of intentionality, we can move past our feelings of loneliness and live a more connected and healthier life.

Planning to Improve Your Menstrual Cycle

Do you suffer from debilitating cramps and other period symptoms? I, like many women, have noticed how badly I am affected by my menstrual cycle. In high school, I would hear other girls who said they didn’t have cramps or that their period didn’t bother them, and I was overcome with jealousy. My cramps would leave me curled up in my bed, sometimes dizzy and nauseated. I could not handle living like that forever, so I began to research things to help. I discovered a wealth of information not only on alleviating menstruation symptoms but also on how to maintain balance during other phases of my cycle. As I began implementing a few of these practices, I could tell even the smallest changes in my lifestyle helped improve my symptoms.

6 Tips to Healthy Traveling

Do you struggle with staying fit while traveling for work? I love traveling but one of my frustrations was trying to keep up with workouts while staying in a hotel, even one with a workout room. It’s easy to become lazy. After a long day of travel, it’s tempting to want to kick back and have an adult beverage while snacking on something quick and easy. Restaurant bars don’t offer the healthiest of options. Bar food is usually fried, fatty, and calorie laden. A habit like this will put on the pounds before you realize what’s happening.