Healthy Living Online Course | 7 Steps to Improve Your Health

Are you experiencing a health crisis and need to make a change? Would you like to improve your clarity of mind and lose weight naturally? The course, 7 Steps to Improve Your Health and Optimal Weight, will walk you through the process to regain your health and ideal weight, so you can feel energetic again and begin to live the purposeful life God intended for you.

Have you tried to decrease your weight or improve your health without success? Or maybe you lost the weight, but it came right back. This course will help you make lifelong changes to birth a new you?

The health of Americans is poor, with over half living with a chronic disease, and 40 percent suffering from obesity. A contributing factor is the overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. If you would like to get off these addictive substances, follow the seven-step plan outlined in the 7 Steps course here.

As a registered nurse (RN) with a master of health science, Susan Neal researches and studies healthy eating lifestyles to determine which foods are best for the human body. Knowing what foods to eat and avoid is essential to prevent food-related illnesses.

You will learn to apply God’s wisdom along with accurate knowledge about today’s food. Discover how to tap into God’s power to evoke lifestyle changes you may struggle to implement on your own.

Participant’s Feedback

“I didn’t know how important it was to allow God in on my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey. So grateful!”

One part of the problem is not understanding the reason behind poor eating habits. In this course, the top four culprits are examined. Identifying the root cause of inappropriate eating is key to resolving it. Once this issue is solved, you get your normal palate and self-control back. The first step is to decide.

Step 1. Decide to improve your health through proper nutrition.

The decision to improve your health and well-being is very personal. No one can make this decision for you; it is your choice. When you do, you will see positive results such as weight loss, decreased joint pain and fatigue, fewer headaches, and countless more benefits.

One participant stated,

 “My results included more energy, weight loss, and pain elimination (from a joint that required shots and physical therapy).”

Step 2. Acquire knowledge and a support system to help make a lifestyle change.

Learning which foods are harmful versus beneficial is crucial in sorting out what you should eat. Sweets and refined carbohydrates are addictive and harmful to the human body. The food industries spike our foods with sugar, and this causes us to get hooked. In addition, as the whole food is processed it is stripped of its nutritional value to extend its shelf life, which increases the food industry’s profits but depletes our health.

Participant Feedback:

“After doing every diet in the book, my husband and I tried yours. He lost 35 pounds, and I lost 15. Every pound gone helps us to be healthier. Your plan WORKS! But it is hard because everything you buy that isn’t fresh and natural contains sugar.”

In addition to acquiring knowledge, it is also vital to obtain a support system to assist you along the journey to improve your health. Ask someone to be your prayer/accountability partner.

Participant remark,

“I have been struggling with carb issues. Only when I incorporated the scriptures mentioned and realized that my problem was not just physical is when I got the strength to make the change.”

If you are healthy, you can fulfill the unique purpose God has planned for you. Also, you will enjoy being a godly influence in the lives of those you love for a longer period of time. You only have one body, and you want it to carry you through this life gracefully. Reclaim the abundant life God wants you to live.

There are five more steps to go. The course’s goal is to identify the root cause of an inappropriate eating habit and resolve it. Once the issue is solved, taming your appetite is much easier. Purchase the 7 Steps to Improve Your Health and Optimal Weight Course today and start your lifestyle change to birth a new you!

Participant Feedback:

“Slowly and surely I am finding my rhythm, and after 2 ½ months, I feel great! My symptoms are dropping off, and I feel so much better. Your resources are informative, easy to understand, and backed by prayer. So thankful!”

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2 thoughts on “Healthy Living Online Course | 7 Steps to Improve Your Health”

  1. First I am a 59 year old female. I started eating the way this book suggests on 6/2/20. I cut out all sugar, bread, caffeine and as of now I have had no potatoes nor pasta. I fast every day from 6pm until 10 am the next day. I drink at least 77 ounces of water a day. No exercise. I went from 206.4 pounds to 198.6 pounds in 6 days. No cravings. No headaches. No mood swings. I don’t get hungry and I don’t feel deprived. I feel really good and I’m so happy I found Susan and this book.


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