Three Links between Spirituality and Healthy Living

Our spiritual health directly influences our physical well-being. To take advantage of these influences, we need to challenge our minds, build connections with others, and stretch our bodies. These influences are particularly important as we age. Mind and body are interdependent, so these influences should not come as a surprise.

How to Balance Mind, Body, and Soul for a Healthier You

Living a balanced life can be challenging. How do we balance the demands of work, family, church, and extracurricular activities? Trying to maintain balance is vital for our mental and physical health, but it’s kind of like riding a bicycle. It’s easy to lose control.

4 Emergency Prayers to Help You Stop Overeating Right Now

Food is a cherished delight for many, but overindulging can lead to unhealthy weight gain associated with serious medical complications. Even though we want to be healthy, scary statistics are quickly forgotten when we’re face-to-face with our favorite treat. In desperation, we cry: “Why can’t I stop overeating?” as we drown self-defeat in a vat of hot fudge.

Choose Joy: 4 Easy Keys to Looking and Feeling Healthier

Ever feel a bit sad or blue? Want to thrive and flourish? Depression is a growing epidemic in our world. A recent Gallup study reveals that  over 36% of women in the USA have been diagnosed, and depression rate is at an all-time high (from when Gallup began tracking in 2015).  According to Mayo Clinic, … Read more