Spiritual Health and Fitness

We give a lot of attention to physical health with constant headlines scaring us about cancer-causing agents and obesity among other ills. The “U.S. healthcare industry is massive” with
spending over $4 trillion in 2021 (that’s over 19 percent of all the goods and services produced in
the U.S.) and forecast to be over $6 trillion by 2028. 1 Emotional health is also on a lot minds due
to the alarming jump in irrational, violent, and criminal behavior since the Covid-19 pandemic
with over 90 percent of Americans say we were in a “mental health crisis”. 2 Yet, how many
people do you hear expressing concern over spiritual health?

Plastic Particles Found in Bottled Water—Should You Be Concerned?

There’s been talk lately about tiny bits of plastic showing up everywhere—the oceans, lakes, even in bottled water. Do you ever worry about if you might consume those plastic bits through the food and beverages you consume? Many food products are sold in plastic containers—milk, juices, yogurt, cheese, frozen foods, bread, meat, etc. The list can go on and on. A new study from the Columbia University took a closer look at some of the top bottled water brands in the US and found most had traces of plastic particles (microplastics) floating around.

How to Balance Mind, Body, and Soul for a Healthier You

Living a balanced life can be challenging. How do we balance the demands of work, family, church, and extracurricular activities? Trying to maintain balance is vital for our mental and physical health, but it’s kind of like riding a bicycle. It’s easy to lose control.

4 Emergency Prayers to Help You Stop Overeating Right Now

Food is a cherished delight for many, but overindulging can lead to unhealthy weight gain associated with serious medical complications. Even though we want to be healthy, scary statistics are quickly forgotten when we’re face-to-face with our favorite treat. In desperation, we cry: “Why can’t I stop overeating?” as we drown self-defeat in a vat of hot fudge.