How many times have you asked yourself, “What is the best way for me to lose weight?” The
diet and fitness industry are filled with endless ways for women to lose weight in their 40’s and
beyond. You might be confused about what to do and where to start when all the things you used
to do to lose weight no longer work.

We will be talking about how to create a woman’s workout schedule and routine that will work
best with your changing body so weight loss in your 40s is no longer a mystery!
Why Weight Loss in Your 40’s and Beyond is Different Than Your Younger Years.
As women near their late 30’s, there are biological changes already starting to happen in
preparation for menopause. This includes fluctuations in sex hormones as our ovaries approach
the end of their specific function – releasing an egg once a month and producing estrogen,
specifically estradiol. As we continue through perimenopause and get nearer to our menopause
date (1 year from your last period), there is also a shift in the location and type of body fat we
have. There is an increase of belly fat, or visceral fat, not the typical subcutaneous fat we have
around the rest of our body. Visceral fat is more sensitive to blood sugar levels, stress, and
Let’s go back to estradiol for a moment; it plays a key role for women in the health of our
muscles and our ability to build muscle mass. As we lose our primary source of estradiol
production, our ovary function, it is more difficult to build and maintain muscle mass. One thing
we know is that muscle needs more energy to stay healthy than other tissues in our body like fat.
This means muscle is amazing for keeping our metabolism high!
These two things, changes in sex hormone levels and visceral belly fat, are the primary reasons
that what we did to lose weight when we were younger are not working in our 40’s and beyond.
We need to take a different approach to effectively work with our changing bodies so we can see
the results we want to see – less belly fat and the number on the scale going down.

Woman’s Workout Schedule for Weight Loss
Now we know the key shifts happening in our body which make our health and fitness routines
of our youngers years no longer work. So, what exactly do we need to do differently?
- If you are not already lifting weights, start lifting weights 2-3 times a week!
Putting our muscles under stress is how we strength them. Strong muscles = higher energy needs.
Do you need to lift heavy weights? It certainly helps, but first, you want to make sure you are
lifting with good form and mechanics before you up the intensity by increasing weight. You do
want the weight to be challenging by the time you finish the last 2-3 repetitions of your set. If
you’re thinking you’d like help with this, find a trainer or coach who is knowledgeable about
weightlifting to help you on this part of your journey. - Sprint Interval Training 1-2 times a week.
Sprint interval training is similar to HIIT, high-intensity interval training, but it is different. With
sprint interval training (SIT), you want to go all out for a short period of time and have a full
recovery. This looks like a 1:2 or 1:3 work to rest ratio. The rest ratio can even increase more.
The idea is that we are taxing our short duration energy system, and we want to give our body
and that energy system time to recover before we use it again. This could look like doing a sprint
on a stationary bike for 15 seconds and resting anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute before
sprinting again.
If you are not used to performing SIT start with 4-5 rounds and see how you feel the next day.
You want to build up your conditioning for this type of training. You might consider adding one
more round each week until you get to 10 rounds of your chosen work to rest ratio. And of
course, you can mix up the type of sprint activity to keep it fresh and a different challenge for
your body.
You can do other types of interval training where you vary the work to rest ratio. A popular
interval is called Tabata where you sprint for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat that
eight times. The eight rounds take four minutes and you will feel pretty tired! - Long Slow Distance Cardio, or Zone 2 Cardio, 1-3 times a week.
Long Slow Distance is considered traditional cardio where you go for a long run or are on an
elliptical for 20 minutes or more. You should be able to maintain a conversation, though it is not
super easy. This type of training is great for your cardiovascular fitness and overall fitness levels.
It should not be the only type of exercise you do. - Yoga or Tai Chi, 1-2 times a week.
These types of activities allow for our body to work AND be in a more relaxed state. Having
elevated cortisol levels can be harmful to our overall health and yoga or tai chi are examples of
exercise that can help us reduce stress and cortisol in our body. And better yet, they help us focus
on the present moment, getting into our body and out of our heads.
Nutrition for Weight Loss in Your 40’s
Now that we are doing the right types of workouts, how do we feed and fuel our body
appropriately? Luckily, many in the health and fitness industry are getting much more aligned in
this area.
- Eat enough protein!
Most women are not eating enough protein to adequately support muscle growth and
maintenance. Ideally, you want to aim for at least 90 grams of protein a day, a minimum of 30
grams of protein per meal. You could go as high as 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal body
weight, so if you had a weight goal of 140 lbs, you would try and eat 140 grams of protein a day.
Here is why the 30 grams of protein a meal, particularly after a workout, is so important: the
amount of the amino acid leucine. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and leucine has
a specific function of building and maintaining our muscles. When you eat 30 grams of animal
protein you get about 4-5 grams of leucine, which is the ideal amount to support your muscles.
Can I still get enough leucine from plant proteins? Yes, but you will need to be more diligent in
seeking out what plant-based proteins will provide the ideal 4-5 grams. - Don’t shy away from carbohydrates, we need them and their fiber!
Carbohydrates often get a bad wrap as a whole; however, all fruits and vegetables, as well as
grains, are carbohydrates! Do your best to eat a variety of whole foods for your carbohydrate
sources. Think about incorporating a handful of starchy carbs (think potatoes or rice) and as
many handfuls as you want of other vegetables to your plate each meal. Don’t shy away from
fruit, 2-3 pieces a day is great.
We do want to limit the refined carbohydrates that we see in processed foods that come in
packages and baked goods. You need to live your life, but try not to eat only processed,
packaged, foods. - Fats are good for you.
The great news is you don’t have to overcomplicate fat. If you are eating mostly whole foods and
using fat for cooking, you will be doing just fine. You might consider sticking to nuts and seeds,
coconut oil, avocados and avocado oil, and olive oil for your choice of fat.
- Limit Sugary foods.
We know the obvious choices of sugary foods, candy, chocolate candy, cookies, and all the other
things! Here is where you get to start eating LESS of those foods than you currently are. You do
not have to stop all of it at once, or ever! But we do need to start cutting back and limiting how
much and how often we eat sugar. It is pro-inflammatory, which means it increases inflammation
in our body.
Remember estradiol? It has many roles, one of them is an anti-inflammatory response in our
body. This means as we age and get into our 40s and beyond, we lose that protective anti-
inflammatory effect of estradiol and inflammation in our body will increase which can cause a
variety of other health issues.
Putting it All Together
When you are consistent with workouts and consistent with your nutrition, you WILL see results.
It will not be overnight because our bodies will not respond at the same speed as when we were
younger. Stick with it for at least 3 months. Stay the course and keep going, you’ve got this!
More is not always better when it comes to exercise. Do try and be moving throughout your day
when it is not “workout” time. If you have a step counter, keep track of your steps and try to
increase your daily average by 500 steps each week.
Here is a sample weekly workout schedule to give you an idea of how you can integrate each of
the activities for your best weight loss in your 40’s and beyond.

An Invitation
I’m excited to extend a personal invitation to you for Empowered YOU, a virtual event I am
hosting designed for anyone in their 40’s and beyond looking to make meaningful changes in
their life, seeking guidance on how to integrate fitness and faith, and aspiring to radiate
confidence and joy from within.
Empowered YOU is your chance to connect with experts and thought leaders in the fields of
health, wellness, and spirituality. They will be sharing knowledge, experiences, and strategies to
help you navigate the challenges of midlife. It’s an event filled with inspiration, learning, and
community, all aimed at helping you live a more empowered life.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to transform your life. By joining us, you’re taking a
powerful step towards a healthier, happier, and more radiant you. Register for free now, and let’s
start this journey together!
Link to register:
About the Author
Lindsay Schilaty lives in Western Washington, is a health and fitness expert passionate about
helping women going through peri and post menopause regain confidence and knowledge about
how to get the body and health they want for the second chapter of their life. You can learn more
about Lindsay on her website: and connect with her on social
media @lindsay.schilaty and @goodlife.with.lindsay.