How to Shed Your Pandemic Pounds – 5 Weight Loss Tips

Did you gain weight during the pandemic? Most of us did. A new study published in the JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) Network Open showed that most Americans gained almost two pounds per month during the pandemic. After twelve months that may have resulted in a 20+ pound weight gain. Before the pandemic, 40 percent of Americans suffered from obesity. Unfortunately, the pandemic may have enhanced that number. Today I’m sharing how to shed your pandemic pounds.

Many restrictions curtailed going to the gym and other activities that increase physical activity. Most people work from home and no longer commute to work. That means less walking to the office, up the stairs, to meetings, etc. Now we are at home and close to the pantry and refrigerator. Stress seems to increase our appetite for unhealthy foods. If you would like to fight stress eating, check out Fight Stress Eating with Easy Healthy Snacks.

Unfortunately, excess weight has been linked to severe complications with COVID-19. Therefore, it is vital to lose those pounds. The following five tips will help.

How to Shed Your Pandemic Pounds - Weight Loss Tips

Stop Eating Wheat

Yes, you heard me correctly. White flour has been stripped of its God-given nutrients. That is why it can sit on the grocery store shelf indefinitely. It provides no nutrients for the human body. But it increases your weight. Most products are made from white flour. If you stop eating wheat and replace those calories with meat and vegetables, you will lose one to two pounds per week. In ten weeks that is ten to twenty pounds. Not bad for removing one unhealthy food.

Primarily Drink Water 

Other than one to two cups of a caffeinated beverage, drink only water. Our bodies are made up of 75 percent water. God gave us water to replenish the fluids we lose. If you don’t like water, add a lemon and some stevia to it or fresh raspberries. You should drink half your weight in water based on ounces. So if you weigh 200 pounds you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.

Take a Daily Probiotic

Antibiotics disrupt the delicate balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Most of us have taken antibiotics. But we were never taught to replace the probiotics in our gut that the antibiotics kill. The probiotic you take should contain at least ten strains of beneficial microbes. After you finish a bottle of probiotics, purchase another one with a different set of microbes. There are hundreds of probiotic strains, but we do not know which ones we need. That is why we should not take the same type of probiotic repeatedly.

Also, you can’t get all your probiotics from a supplement. You also need to eat either sauerkraut or kimchi. Yogurt does not provide enough of those good microorganisms. And don’t get your probiotics from Kombucha because it contains yeast (Candida). To find out more about Candida and how an overgrowth is unhealthy, read What is a Candida Overgrowth?

Did you know that Dementia has been linked to a lack of gut microbiome diversity?  We must ensure our gut is healthy and contains the beneficial microorganisms that we need.

Limit Sugar Intake

You should limit your sugar intake to less than 10 grams of sugar per meal. The American Heart Association recommends limiting your calories from sugar to no more than half of your total calories. For most women that should be no more than 24 grams of sugar/day and 36 grams for men. Be sure to check food labels to determine the number of grams of sugar per serving size.

If you typically overeat or can’t stop binging, determine the root cause. Is it stress eating, food addiction, a Candida overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of knowledge regarding bad foods like wheat, or an emotional connection to food? The course 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Health and Optimal Weight will help you resolve the root cause of inappropriate eating.

Don’t Eat Processed Foods

Food manufacturers create many pre-packaged processed foods that are conveniently put into boxes and bags. Yet, those foods do not contain any nutritional value. The foods they are made from are stripped of their nutrients so they can sit on the shelf for months. If a food does not go bad it is not healthy. If a food spoils it contains nutrients.

Food companies want you to buy more of their products so they make more money. Therefore, they add sugar, salt, and other unhealthy ingredients to get you hooked. That’s why “you can’t eat just one.” Outsmart the food industry and purchase fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and meat. Avoid the center aisles of the grocery store where the processed food is kept.

When you follow these five tips, you will be on your way to losing the excess weight you gained. To summarize, the recommendations include:

  1. Stop eating wheat.
  2. Primarily drink water.
  3. Take a daily probiotic.
  4. Limit sugar intake.
  5. Don’t eat processed foods.

Which one of these tips is easiest for you to implement? Start with that tip and move on to the next easiest one. Save the most challenging tip for last. If you need additional help with losing weight, check out my article How to Lose Your Pandemic Pounds. I’ve included three free videos and handouts in my private Facebook group, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten. Feel free to join.

How to Shed Your Pandemic Pounds – Weight Loss Tips

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