What’s Wrong with Today’s Modern Wheat?

What’s Wrong with Today’s Modern Wheat? susanuneal.com


For centuries, people flourished by consuming bread, however, wheat is not the same today as it was a century ago. Did you know a slice of bread will raise your blood-sugar level higher than a teaspoon of sugar? What caused celiac disease to increase by 400 percent in the past sixty years? Let’s find out.

Hybridized Wheat

Over fifty years ago, the wheat in the United States was altered. Various types of wheat were crossbred to create a high-yield dwarf wheat. No longer do tall amber waves of grain grow in the Midwest. Instead, wheat is now only a couple of feet tall, drought-resistant, and prolific. Unfortunately, the gluten changed so much that it can’t be properly digested.

Many people suffer from symptoms that are caused by not being able to digest wheat or gluten properly, but they may not recognize it. When my sister consumes gluten, she needs to be close to a bathroom for the next few hours. For me, it gives me brain fog and makes me tired. Do you know how it affects you?

Some common gastrointestinal side effects include:

  • gas
  • bloating
  • diarrhea
  • smelly feces
  • constipation
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Common non-gastrointestinal signs include:

  • fatigue
  • foggy mind
  • headache
  • joint pain
  • depression
  • nasal congestion
  • skin problems
  • autoimmune diseases

If you experience any of these symptoms, gluten from wheat may be causing them. Please take the GlutenIntoleranceQuiz.com to determine if your undesirable symptoms could be from today’s modern hybridized wheat. 

Leaky Gut

If your body does not recognize gluten as food, your immune system attacks the gluten and, unfortunately, your body at the same time. The intestinal lining becomes damaged, resulting in holes in the intestinal wall (called leaky gut). Those holes allow food to enter the bloodstream. This may cause you to become allergic to other types of food which could lead to an autoimmune disease. It is not surprising that gluten sensitivity is often paired with an autoimmune condition because the body accidentally harms its own cells as it attacks the broken-down food particles in the bloodstream.

Autoimmune Disease

Gluten is in wheat, barley, and rye. Yet breads made of barley and rye are uncommon. Therefore, I believe the gluten culprit comes from the hybridization of wheat and has contributed to a rise of gluten-related conditions and autoimmune diseases.

If you get an autoimmune disease, it could have been caused by a gluten sensitivity you didn’t know you had. This sensitivity could have caused your immune system to get confused and attack a part of your body. Therefore, I recommend anyone with an autoimmune disease not eat wheat. If you can’t or don’t want to eliminate bread from your diet, make homemade gluten-free bread to avoid wheat. Try coconut or almond flour.

Processed White Flour

What’s Wrong with Today’s Modern Wheat? susanuneal.com

White flour is one of the most prevalent wheat products used today, and it is far removed from the grain it once was. A wheat berry consists of three layers: bran, germ, and endosperm. White flour contains one part of the wheat kernel—the endosperm, which is mostly starch. The other two parts of the wheat contain the fiber and nutrients, and they do not include these in white flour. The flour has also been chemically bleached, consequently, the grain no longer resembles the wholesome food God intended.

Processed foods, like white flour, with their extended shelf life, do not go bad because they removed the natural nutrients. Such foods don’t benefit the human body. Food industries prefer products with a longer shelf life so they won’t spoil and can be sold for an extended period of time. This benefits the companies’ bottom line but is detrimental to our health.

If we eat processed foods that do not contain nutrients, we deprive ourselves of essential vitamins and minerals. A lack of nutrients leads to malnutrition. Some individuals have voracious appetites because they are not getting their nutrients from whole foods. They lack essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, so their bodies crave more food to gain the nourishment they require. Unfortunately, if the person continues to eat processed foods that are nutritionally deficient, they consume loads of calories that cause excessive weight gain.

Besides providing no nutritional value, white flour products raise blood sugar levels. Since they leave only the starchy endosperm, we must secrete insulin to metabolize this highly processed food. Therefore, white flour products contributed to the rise of diabetes.

Yet we consume wheat products made from processed white flour all the time. Our bodies may not recognize these products as food, and it spikes our blood sugar. Maybe that is why 50 percent of Americans experience a chronic disease and 40 percent suffer from obesity. Therefore, I recommend that you do not eat today’s modern wheat.

Don’t Eat Gluten-Free Processed Foods

Most Americans do not understand wheat has been hybridized to the point the body thinks of it as a foreign substance. Unfortunately, food manufacturers picked up on the gluten-free trend and created all sorts of unhealthy, nongluten products. Substituting wheat with gluten-free processed foods is not a healthy alternative since they often contain rice flour, which raises blood-sugar levels.

High blood-sugar levels cause a person’s pancreas to release insulin. Increased insulin causes the body to store belly fat. What you eat plays a huge role in gaining fat around the middle. High blood-sugar levels from the wrong foods lead to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dementia. In fact, dementia is referred to as type 3 diabetes—which is on the rise from consuming too much sugar and processed foods. If you would like to know 24 interventions you can do to prevent dementia, check out my pamphlet How to Prevent, Improve, and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Delicious unhealthy foods are conveniently available to us. But just because we have access to them and the freedom to eat them doesn’t mean we should. If we understand which products are harmful, we can avoid them. As you eliminate processed foods from your diet you should consume more whole, organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa, barley), nuts, seeds, beans, fish, and meat.

If you need help eliminating wheat from your diet, order my book 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates today and check out my course 7 Steps to Improving Your Health and Optimal Weight.  I hope this information helps you improve your health and well-being.

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3 thoughts on “What’s Wrong with Today’s Modern Wheat?”

  1. Glyphosate is huge problem that I am not seeing being discussed much in regard to the debate on the horrible state of western digestive health. So many of our grains and beans are being sprayed with roundup to dry them for early harvest. I cannot believe this isn’t negatively affecting gut health and cancer rates.


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