How to Stay Centered and Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a joyous but stressful time of year. Many of us strive to accomplish everything
on our “To-Do List” and “Shopping List.” As overachievers, we end up rattled and worn out.
However, you can successfully navigate the season to ensure you stay centered and healthy. Here
are some guidelines to achieve that goal.

Master Christmas Shopping 
Buying gifts during December is a nerve-wracking experience. The stores are packed, items run
low, and the parking lots are always full. Instead, purchase gifts all year long. If you spend
$15–$30 per month on Christmas gifts this does not gouge your pocketbook and the shopping
experience is pleasurable.

As you travel, attend art festivals, or find yourself in an interesting shop, pick up a gift or two for
loved ones. These unique gifts will be thoroughly enjoyed by their recipients. Whenever I shop
with my teenagers, I ask them to give me one item that they picked out, and I hide it until
Christmas. Months later, when we open our gifts Christmas morning, they forgot all about the
items, but each one fits perfectly and they love it.

As you purchase each gift, record it on a master Christmas list and stash the gifts away. In
November, check how much you bought for each person, and finalize your gift list. Finish your
shopping in November, before the Thanksgiving holidays, when the stores become busy. If you
still need to purchase a few items in December, order them online to avoid the crowds. Instead of
spending time shopping, sit by the fire and enjoy your family.

Stay Healthy During the Holidays
To stay healthy during the holidays you need to focus on you. Continue to exercise even if
you’re only walking or working out at the gym once a week. Sleep at least eight hours each night
so you feel energetic in the morning. Avoid wheat and sugar, so you don’t experience blood
sugar fluctuations, which cause brain fog and lethargy.

When baking, use coconut, almond, or quinoa flour instead of white or wheat flour. Also, use
sugar substitutes such as stevia and monk fruit sweetener. Both of these sweeteners rank zero on
the glycemic index and have no calories! Desserts made with these ingredients are as tasty as the
usual sugar-laden culprits.

Make dishes using fresh, raw ingredients such as sautéed fresh green beans with garlic and
slivered almonds versus the typical green bean casserole loaded with fat and processed
ingredients. The fresh green beans are nutritious and delicious. Fresh, raw foods are loaded with
vitamins, minerals, fiber, and all the nutrients the human body needs—the way God intended you
to eat.

At holiday parties, avoid eating foods made with sugar and wheat. Instead, eat nuts, vegetables,
and fruits. Serve yourself healthy dips like guacamole and hummus. These foods are just as
delicious, and they won’t contribute to brain fog. Be sure to serve yourself smaller portions.
Using a smaller plate may help.

Focus on the Reason for the Season
During the Christmas season don’t get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Completing your
shopping before the busy season allows you to enjoy the holidays versus fighting the crowds. In
turn, you have more time to focus spiritually.

When we stay centered on the reason for the season we experience the joy of the holidays. To
stay centered read through the Christmas story and count the number of angelic visits
surrounding Jesus’s birth. You will be surprised at how many you find. Read these Bible verses
with your family in the following chronological order: Luke 1: 5–39, 56; Matthew 1: 20; Luke 2:
1–14; and Matthew 2:1–22.

Ultimately, to stay healthy and peaceful during the holidays your goal should be to complete
your shopping before December. While everyone else runs around checking everything off their
list, you can enjoy focusing on the real reason for the holidays—the celebration of the birth of
Jesus Christ.

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