Health and Wellness Coaching Packages with Susan Neal

Option A––$500
You will receive:
Six 1-hour coaching sessions along with a followup email after each session.
Susan is available to answer questions via email.
A menu, recipes, and corresponding grocery list for your first week.
A copy of Susan’s pamphlet, “How to Prevent, Improve, and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia."
Please join her private Facebook group 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten where support is provided by Susan.
Three 1-hour coaching sessions along with a followup email after each session.
Susan is available to answer questions via email.
Please join her private Facebook group 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten where support is provided by Susan.
Two 1-hour coaching sessions along with a followup email after each session.
Susan is available to answer questions via email.
One 1-hour coaching sessions along with a followup email.
Please join her private Facebook group 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten where support is provided by Susan.