What Does a Healthy Lifestyle Really Mean?

When we hear our physician speak the words “healthy lifestyle,” our thoughts may turn to the gym, to our refrigerator, or a bulging waistline. What should we give up? What can we keep? How can we change? But what does a healthy lifestyle really mean? Finding nourishing choices and achieving balance in our lives is … Read more

Healthy Eating for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

Healthy Eating for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

If you asked most people, they would say they know a lot about healthy eating and living. However, teachers and medical personnel have not taught us what healthy eating really means, because most of them don’t know either. If you’ve been told you need to eat healthier, your first thought may have been “kill me … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

guide to Intermittent Fasting

Have you ever seen a guide to intermittent fasting and are convinced it is not for you? Yet, have you struggled with how to lose a few pounds (or more) and been discouraged by low-sugar, low-carb, gluten-free diets? People living in western cultures know the struggle. So many tasty morsels of food call our names, … Read more

How to Shed Your Pandemic Pounds – 5 Weight Loss Tips

How to Shed Your Pandemic Pounds - Weight Loss Tips

Did you gain weight during the pandemic? Most of us did. A new study published in the JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) Network Open showed that most Americans gained almost two pounds per month during the pandemic. After twelve months that may have resulted in a 20+ pound weight gain. Before the pandemic, 40 … Read more

Two Steps to Diminish Disease (by Lisa Kafer)

Six out of ten people suffer from one or more chronic diseases in the United States (U.S.). Therefore, we spend more money per person on disease management than any other country in the world. This has led to American’s consuming over 50 percent of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs. Yet, we only have 5 percent of … Read more